Every day we lose heaps of hair strands. But, how do you know when you’ve crossed the boundary between normal shedding and baldness?

The thing is, anyone can go bald, not just middle-aged men. Around 50% of women and 85% of men deal with hair fall at some point in their lives. About 70% of cases are hereditary. By the time men reach 35, around 66% of them will notice drastic hair thinning.

Some individuals can start losing a lot of hair in their 20s. If you want to figure out how to determine the early signs of balding, you are in the right place. The guide below can answer all your queries.

Quick Facts

The older we get, the bigger the odds of going completely bald. The prevalence increases to 31% in the 40 to 55 age group and 53% in the 65 to 69 age group.

Losing a lot of hair can take a toll on a person’s confidence and self-esteem. It often makes people feel depressed because they think that balding makes them less attractive.

The sooner you notice the early signs of balding, the sooner you can consult with a dermatologist. They can recommend the best course of action to mitigate the symptoms.

What Is Baldness, Exactly?

Every strand of hair has its follicle. Balding tends to happen when these follicles shrink after some time. As a result, people end up with finer, thinner, and shorter hair. Eventually, the follicle stops producing new hair.

Even though the follicles are still alive, it is difficult to get that volume and hair back. Losing too much hair can be one of the early signs of balding. The term “balding” is mostly associated with androgenetic alopecia (i.e. female or male pattern hair loss).

What Could Cause You to Go Bald?

Many hair loss causes exist. These include:

  • Excessive hairstyling - It’s OK to wear your hair in a tight ponytail or any style once in a while. But, when you are constantly pulling your hair with dreadlocks, buns, up-dos, weaves, and hair extensions, you can cause permanent damage to the hair follicles.

  • Genetics - About 80% of cases of androgenetic alopecia occur because of a genetic predisposition. Your genetic makeup determines how responsive your scalp is to the DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) hormone. DHT can cause your hair follicles to shrink, leading to the production of finer and fewer hairs.

  • Health problems - Factors such as alopecia areata, nutritional deficiencies, cancer, and lupus can make your hair fall out.

  • Hormonal changes - When the progesterone and estrogen levels plummet, the androgens become stronger. This can result in finer hair during and after menopause. Hair fall can happen during menstrual cycles as well.

  • Medicine - Some products can cause side effects that could interfere with hair growth. Medications for gout, cardiovascular problems, depression, and arthritis are classic examples.

  • Cancer therapy - Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can harm the follicles. Based on studies chemo-induced hair loss happens in about 65% of patients.


How Much Hair is Normal to Lose Daily?

Normally, we lose 50 to 100 hair strands every single day. But, when you lose more than 50% of the hair on your scalp, the balding becomes obvious. The hair sheds and falls out in clumps.

Just because you are losing more hair doesn’t mean you will go bald. Stress can lead to more shedding.

Too much stress can trigger three types of hair fall:

  • Telogen Effluvium: It occurs when a huge amount of stress forces plenty of hair follicles into a resting phase. In the next couple of months, as you try to wash or comb your hair, you can notice a lot of hair falling out.
  • Trichotillomania: This is a powerful, uncontrollable urge to pull out hair from the scalp, eyebrows, or other body areas. People use the pulling as a coping mechanism.
  • Alopecia Areata: This condition, could occur as a result of severe stress. This health problem tricks the immune system into attacking hair follicles. That’s why you may lose a lot of hair.

Many want to know how to regain hair loss from stress. To get the necessary results, keep the stress at bay. Try options such as meditation, mindfulness, exercise, practicing healthy eating habits, deep breathing techniques, and so on.

The 5 Early Signs of Balding You Should Know

The initial signs of balding don’t happen overnight. They develop over time and they are progressive.

1. Thinning Hair

Hair thinning, or reduced volume, happens when individual hair strands gradually become smaller in diameter. As the hair follicles shrink, the strands become finer, creating the impression of less dense spots of hair.

2. Receding Hairline

If you see your hair getting thinner, especially around the temples, and your hairline moving backward, then this is a receding hairline. This could be one of the classic signs of balding.

3. Hair Falls Out in Clumps

Losing your hair in clumps could mean you have male-pattern baldness, anagen effluvium, scarring alopecia, alopecia areata, or telogen effluvium.

4. Bald Spots

The hair on the top of your head might also thin out, and eventually, you could see a growing bald spot.

If the loss of hair doesn’t stop, you might end up with sparser spots of hair around the sides and back of your head. This is one of the early signs of balding.

5. You’re Losing Hair All Over Your Body

Hair fall can affect other areas of the body, not just the scalp. An incurable disease called alopecia universalis can cause such symptoms.

For those who are asking, “Can hair loss be reversed?”, the answer would depend on the cause. For example, if stress is the root of your problem, then managing that stress could reverse the hair loss or at least slow it down.

However, in many cases, there is no baldness cure that produces permanent results. Consult with a dermatologist to find the right treatment plan.

What Is NOT a Sign of Baldness?

Many other scalp symptoms are often confused with balding. These include:

1. An itchy scalp

Your scalp can itch for a bunch of reasons. It’s usually due to a reaction or irritation. Scabs on scalp like those from seborrheic eczema, and contact dermatitis can cause itchiness on the scalp. Lice can make your scalp itch, too.

2. Dandruff

If you have dandruff, it doesn’t mean your hair will fall out. This scalp condition is a common problem and is not serious or contagious.

3. Dry hair or split ends

Split ends can hinder normal hair growth. Additionally, this condition can make the hair snap.

4. A widow’s peak

A widow's peak is a unique V-shaped hairline that is often hereditary. Contrary to popular belief, it's likely no more important than other inherited traits like cleft chin or curly hair.

Different Ways to Treat and Manage Balding

Want to know how to grow thick hair? Dermatologists may suggest medicine for managing pattern baldness. Such as:

  • Minoxidil (Rogaine)
  • Dutasteride
  • Finasteride (Proscar, Propecia)

Other options may include:

  • Hair transplant
  • Light or laser caps for hair growth
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections

Alopecia areata self-care may also help. Using a comb with wide teeth, a soft-bristle brush, and gentle skincare products are good self-care practices.

Are you tired of dealing with hair loss? Do you dream of fuller, healthier-looking hair? Then the Nufolix hair growth supplement may come in handy. The formula targets common culprits like hormonal fluctuations, stress, and nutritional deficiencies. The supplement also protects against styling damage. Regular use helps you achieve vibrant and resilient hair.


At what age do men start balding?

It is different for everyone. Some spot the initial signs in their 30s. But, there have been rare cases where individuals in their late teenage years and early 20s start to lose more and more hair.

Will I go bald if I have thick hair?

No. The density of your hair follicles doesn’t determine whether you go bald. Balding happens due to other causes, such as genetic predisposition, health problems, hormonal changes, cancer treatment, and so on.

How to avoid baldness?

Take good care of your body. For example, eat a highly nutritious and balanced diet, avoid smoking, and practice proper stress management. If you chemically bleach your hair too often, style it, or pull it with tight ponytails, you are more likely to lose hair. Most dermatologists can suggest practicing alopecia areata self-care.

Can hair loss be reversed?

Although there are some treatment options, there is no permanent baldness cure. But, it is possible to stop or slow down the loss of hair.

Can I stop genetic hair loss?

There is very little you can do, especially if you are genetically predisposed to hair fall. Genetic mutations are permanent. But, you can practice healthy lifestyle habits, like regular exercise, stress reduction, and better sleep to boost hair health.

Wrap Up

Hair plays a big part in our physical appearance. It also affects our confidence significantly. Hence, it’s no wonder we panic when we see the early signs of balding. Whether it is due to radiation therapy, alopecia, stress, or something else, the best advice is to practice healthy habits and consult a dermatologist.

Remember, you can still reinvent your style even if you lose hair volume and thickness.


1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK278957/
2] https://www.pennmedicine.org/for-patients-and-visitors/patient-information/conditions-treated-a-to-z/male-pattern-baldness
3] https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/signs-of-balding#takeaway
4] https://www.healthline.com/health/balding#bottom-line
5] https://www.healthwebmagazine.com/hair-growth/nufolix-reviews/
6] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16307704/
7] https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/hair-loss/causes/hairstyles
8] https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hair-loss/symptoms-causes/syc-20372926
9] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37185388/
10] https://medicover-genetics.com/the-genetics-of-hair-loss-alopecia-and-more/
11] https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/expert-answers/stress-and-hair-loss/faq-20057820
12] https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/hair-loss/types/alopecia/self-care

Dr. Ahmed Zayad

Dr. Ahmed Zayad

Dr. Zayed, has years of experience in the field and has been contributing to public health awareness. Dr. Ahmed Zayed holds a baccalaureate of Medicine and Surgery. Egypt. Dr. Zayed believes in providing knowledgeable information to readers. His articles were featured on many websites like HuffingtonPost, Chicagotribune . Other than his passion for writing, Dr. Zayed spends his time outside the hospital, either reading or at the gym.

Written by Dr. Ahmed Zayad

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