Menopause Fatigue: How to Manage It and Move On

Menopause can feel like a nightmare, especially when you're exhausted. How can you manage it?

At times, you feel extremely cold while at other times you start stripping off clothes as if you are sunbathing. You may get emotional over small things but quickly regain your composure.

The hormonal fluctuations during menopause can make you feel overwhelmed. But, nothing is quite as draining as menopause fatigue. Based on a study of 300 women, 85.3% in post-menopause and 46.5% in peri-menopause were mentally and physically exhausted. [1]

Exhaustion can take a toll on your career, daily life, and mental well-being. Here is how to beat that tiredness and find relief.

What Is Menopause?

When a middle-aged woman (often at the age of 50), hasn’t had her period for 12 consecutive months, she is officially in menopause. This means her ovaries don’t release any more eggs, so she can’t become pregnant.

The hormones start to fluctuate, which can trigger a myriad of symptoms. These can include:

  • Problems with sleep
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Palpitations
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Mood changes
  • Migraines

Every woman experiences this natural biological process differently. For some, the symptoms can be very uncomfortable and highly unpredictable. For others, they can be mild and easier to manage.

Can Menopause Make You Feel Tired?

Countless menopausal women feel depleted, weary, physically, and mentally strained.

The prevalence of fatigue in women during menopause is 67.9%. The rates are much higher in menopausal than those in peri-menopausal women. [2]

Menopause fatigue can affect many organs and functions in the body. It can influence both the psychological and physical well-being of women. For instance, you may have hot flashes. These sudden feelings of warmth can wake you up in the middle of the night and can break your sleep.

If you regularly wake up feeling very sweaty and hot, you can start to feel exhausted during the day. You are also more likely to turn to coffee or caffeinated drinks to get that much-needed energy boost.

Is It Normal to Feel Fatigued During Menopause?

Menopause can attack your thyroid and adrenal hormones. Studies show that 8% to 10% of women in their 50s or 60s experience a drop in thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). [3]

In the meantime, progesterone and estrogen levels decrease, leading to a cellular change that can cause mental and physical exhaustion. Therefore, it’s no wonder why the couch and bed can feel more tempting than going for a walk, hitting the gym, or planning a night out with friends.

How Can Menopause Cause Tiredness?

When the hormones go up and down, they can disrupt your sleeping patterns. Changes in estrogen levels can increase the time it takes for you to fall asleep. So, you may find yourself staring at the wall for hours not able to get a proper shuteye.

Plummeting estrogen levels can lead to insomnia. A study of 961 women, indicates that symptoms of insomnia were a serious problem during menopause. Insomnia puts a heavy strain on their work performance and daily life. [4]

Menopause and fatigue also go hand in hand with sweats, mood swings, and hot flashes. These symptoms combined can affect your energy levels and can greatly contribute to a persistent feeling of exhaustion.

Causes of Menopause Fatigue

Many factors can lead to menopause fatigue. These can include:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Viral disease (i.e. influenza, respiratory infection, etc)
  • Anemia
  • Physical health problems (i.e. obesity, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, etc)
  • Some medications (i.e. antidepressants, HRT, clonidine, etc)
  • Sleep apnea

What Does It Feel Like to Go Through Menopause Fatigue?

The effect of menopause on fatigue is different for everyone. When the exhaustion is severe and constant, it can have a major impact on your overall health.

You can recognize the fatigue by the following symptoms:

  • Lack of energy. You simply don’t have as much energy as you used to.
  • Trouble concentrating. It can be difficult for you to stay focused and remember things.
  • Feelings of heaviness. You can feel weak and drained.
  • Low stamina. You may feel extremely tired with minimal physical activities.
  • High sensitivity to stress. You are more likely to snap when things don’t go your way.


Tips to Overcome Fatigue During Menopause

To find relief, it is best to take a multifaceted approach. Follow the tips below to get started.

1. Physical Activity Matters

Studies show that regular exercise can curb the symptoms of menopause. Options like yoga, brisk walking, swimming, and resistance training can be highly beneficial for menopause fatigue. It can give you more energy and mitigate the symptoms of weight gain and hot flashes. [5]

2. Master the Art of Sweet Dreams

When you establish a consistent sleep routine, you can create the perfect sleeping environment. You can train your body to regulate the internal clock and calm the mind.

If you need an extra boost, then the Somulin Nighttime Complex may do the trick. This natural dietary supplement can help you fall and stay asleep. It is particularly useful when you have difficulties creating a normal sleep habit.

Somulin acts relatively fast and can offer long-term benefits. You can use it to dose off with ease without supplying the body with harsh chemicals.

3. Try Mindfulness Meditation

Does menopause make you tired? Work on your cortisol levels.

In a total of 13 studies, mindfulness meditation drastically decreased stress in menopausal women. It can help stabilize the respiration rates and blood pressure. [6]

4. Keep the Heat on Low At Night

If the sweating is keeping you awake at night, you might want to turn the thermostat down a couple of degrees before jumping into bed. Another option to try is to get relief from menopausal symptoms with Menoquil. Thanks to Menoquil, you can say goodbye to night sweats and hot flashes.

The secret to the formula lies in the powerful blend of concentrated natural ingredients. It is packed with red clover, wild yam root, calcium, vitamin D, K, and many more. These are clinically tested, estrogen-free tablets.

5. Control Your Portion Sizes

Eating huge portions right before bed can lead to heartburn. This can make it harder for you to drift off into sleep.

Ideally, you should opt for light, healthier whole foods in smaller portions. Options such as yogurt, poultry, fatty fish, spinach, and cauliflower can come a long way.

6. Cut Back on Alcohol

Alcohol can make it difficult for you to keep a healthy weight. It can also increase the risk of other diseases, such as osteoporosis and heart problems. But, most importantly, in some cases, drinking too much alcohol can make insomnia, hot flashes, and mood swings worse.

7. Tackle the Late-Night Cravings

Do you crave food late at night when you are supposed to be sleeping? The hormonal imbalance can incur late-night munchies.

To manage menopause and fatigue, have an evening meal with unprocessed foods high in fiber and protein. The more filling the food, the less likely you are to give in to the cravings. Also, steer clear of coffee and caffeinated beverages before sleeping.

8. Get More Water

Your body needs more water than you may think. The hot flashes and night palpitations can make use of more water during the day. Besides, when you are dehydrated, your energy tends to plummet. So, if you want to mitigate bloating, constipation, and fatigue, then double down on more water.

9. Try the Best Vitamin for Menopause Fatigue

Various vitamins for menopause fatigue can be useful for energy metabolism. These can include vitamin D, vitamin C, and B vitamins. When your body is feeling weak, you may also require some omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium.

But, before you make any changes to your diet, talk to a doctor. Going overboard with the vitamins can do more harm than good. Only take the vitamins or minerals you are deficient in.


Why do so many women have menopause fatigue?

The tiredness usually has to do with the plummeting progesterone and estrogen levels. Hormones have a major role to play in how the body uses and burns calories. Therefore, when the levels fluctuate too much, many women can feel tired.

Can menopause fatigue cause mental health issues?

The less sleep you get and the less energy you have, the more irritable and anxious you can feel. The drastic changes in hormones can put you at risk of depression.

It can feel like your energy is being zapped or drained and you have no motivation to do anything. The tiredness can affect your work performance and daily life.

Wrap Up

A million things can go wrong in a woman’s body once she enters menopause. But, the fatigue can be downright overwhelming. Although it may feel like you have little energy to do anything at work, at home, or when spending time with friends — remember; that the symptoms can subside. With a couple of lifestyle changes and a healthy routine, you can set yourself on the right path and manage menopause fatigue well.





Amr Adel Helmy is a 29-year-old pharmacist who has established himself as an experienced medical content writer. He holds a bachelor's degree in pharmacy from the esteemed Faculty of Pharmacy at Alexandria University. Amr's passion for writing stemmed from his interest in healthcare, and he combined his knowledge of the medical field with his creative flair to become a proficient content writer. Throughout his career, Amr has worked on various projects, including medical articles, research papers, and informative blog posts for clients in the healthcare industry. He has a comprehensive understanding of medical terminology and can translate complex medical jargon into easily understandable language for the general public. Amr's dedication to his craft is reflected in the quality of his work, and his attention to detail ensures that each piece of content he writes is accurate, informative, and engaging. When he's not working, Amr enjoys reading about the latest advancements in healthcare and spending time with his loved ones.


  • Bachelor of pharmacy from Alexandria university
  • 2012-2017

Work Experience

  • Pharmacist - Al Azaby Pharmacies 2012-2014
  • Pharmacist – Khalil Pharmacies 2014-present
Written by Amr

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