The tailbone is one of those body parts that we usually don’t really think about. However, it does play an important role and can become painful sometimes. When you don’t have an injury but have painful sensations in this area, you might wonder, “What causes tailbone pain without injury?” In this article, we will take a look at several causes of tailbone pain without any injury.
Tailbone Pain Overview
Tailbone pain, also known as coccydnia, is a condition where you experience pain in the very bottom of your spinal cord. The tailbone is located above your buttocks and this is where you’ll feel the pain.
Bone pain in the tailbone can occur suddenly or develop gradually, depending on the underlying cause. It is important to consider the various factors that can lead to tailbone pain when evaluating your symptoms.
What is the Function of the Tailbone?
Before we discuss what causes tailbone pain without injury, let’s first consider the role that this bone plays in our body.
The tailbone sits at the bottom of your spine but above the buttocks and has a couple of functions. It helps to ensure proper balance when you sit down and also offers support for your pelvic floor.
This curved bone plays a role in stability, too, especially for your pelvic area and the lower back. Your tailbone is also important for supporting the weight of your body while you’re sitting.
How Do You Know If You Have Tailbone Pain?
When you have tailbone pain, you’ll notice that the pain is located close to the upper side of your buttocks, at the end of your spine. This is where the tailbone sits.
The pain can be mild, moderate, or even severe in some cases. You may find that the pain radiates from this area to other regions of your body.
Apart from pain, some causes can also result in swelling, tenderness, and redness in the area. Be sure to look out for these signs as well, as they can sometimes signal a more serious underlying factor.
You should also consider other symptoms such as pain in the pelvis, fever, chills, and fatigue.
What May be the Cause of Tailbone Pain?
There are several reasons why you may experience tailbone pain. By thoroughly understanding all of these potential causes, it’s easier to determine what kind of treatment you need to experience relief from your symptoms.
1. Trauma or injury
While our focus is on exploring what causes tailbone pain without injury, one common cause is trauma. When you experience direct trauma to your tailbone, it can become injured.
An injured tailbone will be sore and uncomfortable. You may find that the pain gets worse whenever you sit down or lie on your back.
2. Sitting on a hard surface
It’s possible to experience tailbone pain after sitting down on a hard surface for a while. Remember that your tailbone needs to provide support for your upper body’s weight when you sit. The hard surface can put more pressure on the tailbone and cause it to feel sore.
In most cases, this type of pain will be temporary. You may notice that your tailbone becomes sore after sitting down for a while, but the pain is likely to go away sometime after you get up.
3. Childbirth
When a woman goes into labor, her body goes through several changes. Sometimes, these changes can cause trauma to the tailbone, in which case, this area of the body can become painful.
The duration of this pain depends on factors like how much trauma was placed on the tailbone. The pain can be long-lasting, but most women find that it gets better in a few days.
4. Hemorrhoids
When hemorrhoids become inflamed, they can put pressure on the tailbone as they affect the tissue that provides protection and cushioning for the anus opening. When this happens, the muscles in the area can pull on the tailbone, which can lead to pain.
5. Your weight
As we’ve explored already, your tailbone plays an important role in helping to support your body’s weight. When you are overweight or obese, there is more pressure on this small bone especially when you sit down.
6. Chordoma
Chordoma refers to specific types of tumors that can develop in your spine or at the base of your skull. In some cases, a chordoma can develop at your tailbone. If this is the case, pain and swelling will likely affect this area of your body.
7. Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is relatively common among men. According to the American Cancer Society, about 12.5% of all men will be diagnosed with this kind of cancer at some point in their lives.
When you have prostate cancer, your prostate is swollen. This can then cause muscles to pull on your tailbone, resulting in pain symptoms.
8. Pilonidal cyst
This type of cyst generally develops in the lower back area, close to the area where the crease of your buttocks is located. It’s a sac that is filled with fluids, and the cyst develops underneath your skin. There are cases where you can see the cyst under the skin.
These cysts put pressure on your tailbone, leading to pain and inflammation.
The Prevalence of Tailbone Pain
There aren’t many details about the exact prevalence of tailbone pain. However, it is known that women are more likely to experience this kind of pain when compared to men.
It’s also known that tailbone pain is most common in adults, as well as in teenagers. However, that does not mean it cannot affect children. Tailbone pain is also considered to be one of the less common causes of back pain.
Treatment Options for Tailbone Pain
The treatment for tailbone pain will depend on its cause. If it's due to an injury, recovery will be the focus. However, there are cases where you may experience tailbone pain without an injury and would want to know the cause.
Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs can relieve pain, but underlying causes must be addressed.
A natural product like Flexoplex joint and bone supplement can help to strengthen your bones and protect them against damage. This might not be an immediate treatment but can be very useful as a long-term solution when taking care of your bones and joints.
There are also topical treatments that absorb into your skin to reduce pain and swelling. One excellent option is Flexdermal, an all-natural pain relief cream.
How Can Exercises and Stretches Help Your Tailbone Pain?
Apart from treating your tailbone pain, it’s important to consider doing some tailbone stretches and exercises. If you injured yourself, then allow some time to recover. However, once you start feeling better, doing some stretches can help to give you relief and build up the strength of muscles and tendons that support your tailbone.
While it’s useful to do these stretches and exercises, you should take it slow. Understand your limits and don’t push your body past them, as this could cause injury. If you have an existing injury and push yourself too far, it might even worsen or cause a recurrence of the injury.
Tailbone Pain FAQs
Is tailbone pain serious?
In most cases, it’s not a serious problem. However, you should keep in mind that if the pain doesn’t improve, you need to identify the root cause.
How should I sleep with tailbone pain?
A good option is to lie down on your side. Place a pillow between your knees. This helps to support your sleeping posture and reduces pressure on your tailbone.
Is walking good or bad for tailbone pain?
It depends on the cause of tailbone pain. However, in most cases, walking can help to strengthen the muscles that support the tailbone. Just be sure to start slowly and not to overdo it.
Final Verdict
Your tailbone plays a more important role than you might realize, and when it becomes painful, you may have difficulty sitting down or even lying on the bed. Understanding what causes tailbone pain without injury is important, as it gives you a better idea of why you may experience these symptoms. There are several cases where it’s nothing serious, but you should still be mindful of your symptoms and know when it’s time to see a doctor.
1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK563139/
2] https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/prostate-cancer/about/key-statistics.html
3] https://www.uptodate.com/contents/coccydynia-coccygodynia