The prostate gland is a small but important part of the reproductive system. However, it can sometimes become enlarged, causing problems such as pain, tenderness, and incontinence. By taking the right supplement, you can support the function and health of your prostate gland, reducing some of the symptoms you might already be experiencing. In this article, we will take a closer look at ProstaThrive and Prostara, and determine which of the two supplements provides the best results.

What is ProstaThrive?

ProstaThrive is a natural supplement that specifically targets an enlarged prostate. It claims to reduce the size of the prostate through its unique formula.

As per Prostatrive reviews, in addition to targeting an enlargement of your prostate, ProstaThrive also contains ingredients that are used to address bathroom problems that men often experience when they have issues with the prostate.

According to the manufacturer, this supplement will help improve the strength of your urine stream and help you empty your bladder completely while urinating. Additionally, the supplement promises to reduce nighttime urination and enable you to sleep soundly throughout the night.

The official website of the supplement explains how ProstaThrive works. The main aim of the supplement is to block DHT, a type of compound in the body that’s been linked to a higher risk of an enlarged prostate, as well as BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia).

What is Prostara?

Prostara is also a herbal supplement that comes from a very reputable company in the nutraceutical market. Pharmaxa Labs, the company behind Prostara, has been creating expertly formulated natural supplements for many years and continues to focus on using the latest scientific research when developing these formulas.

This is a comprehensive supplement that focuses on helping with several different problems that men face with their prostate gland. The supplement uses a formula that reduces inflammation affecting the prostate gland, which can help to improve bladder control and emptying. This is because prostate inflammation causes the gland to put pressure on the urethra and bladder.

Apart from focusing on bladder control, Prostara also helps to improve sleep by reducing the number of disturbances you experience throughout the night. It’s formulated to not only help with your prostate problems but also to support your sexual function. If prostate troubles have been affecting your abilities in the bedroom, then Prostara might be able to help give you some improvements in your performance. It’s not a male enhancement supplement, but it still allows you to get rid of the prostate-related issues that are interfering with your sexual performance and health.

ProstaThrive vs Prostara Ingredients

To better understand the benefits of a natural prostate supplement, it's wise to examine the ingredients used in each product. Therefore, we will analyze the formulas of both ProstaThrive and Prostara.

The idea here is to help you understand what you’ll put into your body when you decide to use either of the supplements. In addition to considering the specific ingredients, we’ll also take a closer look at the functions and potential benefits that each may offer.

ProstaThrive Ingredients

ProstaThrive focuses on six specific ingredients in its formula. The website does offer some details about why the manufacturer decided to include these ingredients in the prostate supplement.

Let’s take a look at these supplements and what they might do:

  • AGEProst: Also known as Whiteweed, this ingredient may help inhibit a specific enzyme known as the 5-alpha reductase. The enzyme has been linked to an increase in DHT levels throughout the body.

  • African Cherry: This is an anti-inflammatory ingredient that, according to the manufacturer of ProstaThrive, helps to reduce the size of the prostate gland. It’s also supposed to open up more space in the urethra, which contributes to a stronger urine stream.

  • Lycopene: This is a natural chemical that’s present in many foods. Lycopene is known for its strong antioxidant properties. This protects the body, including your prostate gland, against oxidative stress.

ProstaThrive also contains pumpkin seed extracts, beta-sitosterol, and stinging nettle.

Prostara Ingredients

Prostara has a very unique formula that provides a multi-action approach to improving prostate symptoms, reducing bladder problems, and supporting sexual health.

Here are the main ingredients that the supplement uses:

  • Beta-sitosterol: This powerful ingredient is known to reduce symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia[1]. Beta-sitosterol has potent anti-inflammatory properties, which can help lower inflammation of your prostate gland. The ingredient is also good for improving cholesterol balance in your body.

  • Selenium: Selenium is an important trace mineral that has antioxidant characteristics, protecting your body from free radicals. Its ability to fight[2] free radicals also means selenium protects your prostate.

  • Nettle Root: This extract may help provide improvements in your urinary symptoms[3] that are caused by an enlarged prostate. This ingredient also provides benefits for your overall health, as it may help reduce your risk of certain diseases, such as heart problems.

  • Saw Palmetto: A common ingredient in natural prostate supplements, saw palmetto has been extensively studied and has shown potential in reducing symptoms in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia[4].

Prostara contains zinc, garlic extract, pumpkin seed powder, pygeum bark extract, and soy isoflavones. Apart from these ingredients, there’s also lycopene which provides antioxidant properties and may help increase the benefits of other ingredients that have been added to the formula.

ProstaThrive vs Prostara Pricing

You now have a better idea of what each of these supplements has to offer you. However, it’s still important that you have a comprehensive overview of what you can expect from them, which is why we should also take a closer look at how much the supplements cost.

In this section, we’ll not only consider the price of each supplement but also take a look at the real value we can expect from these products. This is going to help you understand what you get for the money you’ll spend on these supplements.

ProstaThrive Pricing

If you want to give ProstaThrive a try, then it’s important to note that there are multiple options you can choose from. You can buy the supplement on the product’s official website.

ProstaThrive reviews say, a single bottle of ProstaThrive will cost you $69. However, the manufacturer offers two alternative packages that can be a good option for those who prefer to buy in bulk. You’ll get access to a lower price per bottle if you choose one of these two options:

  • 3 Bottles @ $177
  • 6 Bottles @ $294

The company doesn’t share details about whether there are any free shipping options available. You’ll have to go to the checkout process and enter your delivery address to see how much shipping will cost.

Prostara Pricing

Prostara focuses on giving you a medical-grade natural supplement at an affordable price. You can get this supplement for as little as $32.99 per bottle, depending on the specific package you decide to choose.

Let’s consider the three main packages that you can choose from:

  • 1 Month Supply @ $44.99.
  • 4-Month Supply @ $147.96 ($36.99 per bottle)
  • 6-Month Supply @ $197.94 ($32.99 per bottle)

The four-month package comes with a free bottle of NUU3 Green Pura, as well as free shipping. If you decide to opt for the six-month supply, you get a bottle of Virectin, as well as free shipping, included in the package.

Final Verdict

Both Prostara and ProstaThrive claim to offer similar benefits in terms of prostate health. However, ProstaThrive is considerably more expensive than Prostara. Moreover, Prostara's formula is more comprehensive as it takes into account factors beyond just DHT levels. This is what makes Prostara a better choice for those seeking optimal prostate health.



Dr. Ahmed Zayad

Dr. Ahmed Zayad

Dr. Zayed, has years of experience in the field and has been contributing to public health awareness. Dr. Ahmed Zayed holds a baccalaureate of Medicine and Surgery. Egypt. Dr. Zayed believes in providing knowledgeable information to readers. His articles were featured on many websites like HuffingtonPost, Chicagotribune . Other than his passion for writing, Dr. Zayed spends his time outside the hospital, either reading or at the gym.

Written by Dr. Ahmed Zayad

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